Buying through an SCI: Good Advice

The possibility of investing in real estate through a civil real estate company, also known under the acronym SCI, presents numerous advantages for enhancing one’s financial assets. This legal status indeed offers undeniable tax benefits and facilitates the transfer of assets. However, before buying through an SCI, it is crucial to fully understand the subtleties of this setup. What exactly is the role of an SCI? What about tax benefits? How to invest effectively? Answers follow.

The Role of an SCI and Its Interest in Real Estate Investment

A civil real estate company is a legal structure that allows several people to associate for the purpose of jointly acquiring real estate. However, contrary to popular belief, it is important to remember that an SCI is not necessarily reserved for the purchase of large estates.

Moreover, it allows for the pooling of financial contributions, even modest ones, from several associates to invest together. Keep in mind that the advantages of an SCI are numerous. Indeed, buying through an SCI firstly offers the possibility to enjoy a number of tax advantages compared to a direct purchase. Furthermore, it simplifies the transmission of real estate assets in the event of death through the mechanism of social shares.

From a practical point of view, the joint management of the property is simpler. But, before setting up an SCI, it is advisable to be well informed about the following points:

  • the legal framework;
  • the statutes;
  • the possibility of seeking specialized support.

Finally, to minimize risks and before setting up an SCI, it is wise to thoughtfully consider the real estate valuation in addition to legal and statutory aspects.

The Tax Advantages of an SCI

Beyond the ease of bringing together several associates to buy through an SCI, the civil real estate company is advantageous from a tax perspective. Indeed, the rents received by the SCI following the rental of the property are subject to income tax according to the progressive scale and not to the regime of property income. This allows for a better return for the associates.

Moreover, in the case of resale, the capital gains realized are less taxed compared to a sale from individual to individual. However, it is essential to properly frame the SCI’s statutes and to plan the terms of entry, as well as exit, of associates. An effective way to secure the setup in the long term from a legal perspective.

Investing in Real Estate in the Paris Region Thanks to Your SCI

For many investors, the Paris region is a very attractive real estate market. This is one of the reasons why many real estate listings in Paris are snapped up at golden prices. Moreover, its luxury image makes the Paris region a dream destination for a wealthy clientele in search of a privileged living environment, while being close to Paris. In this context, the possibility of having a significant financial windfall through an SCI is a positive point.

These conditions open up the possibility of making an investment via a civil real estate company in neighboring cities such as:

  • Neuilly-sur-Seine;
  • Boulogne-Billancourt;
  • Issy-les-Moulineaux;
  • Enghien-les-Bains.


To best structure your SCI investment project, tailored support is recommended. Indeed, real estate professionals will help you to buy through an SCI effectively.

They will advise you on the most advantageous legal and tax setup according to your personal and financial situation.

You will be specifically assisted in drafting the statutes, on how to frame the contributions of each associate, but also on the distribution of social shares. All these aspects are crucial to ensure the longevity of your real estate investment.

Seeking advice from real estate consultants for support

To buy through an SCI, it can be useful to surround yourself with experienced real estate consultants. Indeed, they will help you realize your investment. They can guide you on the type of property to acquire. Thanks to their market knowledge, they will provide you with reliable estimates and offer you the best real estate opportunities. Moreover, it will be easier for you to target areas with high potential thanks to their knowledge of recent transactions.

In summary, the possibility of buying through an SCI proves to be very interesting, both in terms of taxation and in terms of asset transmission. However, the success of such a project requires professional support to manage your investment and secure it in the long term.

So, if you are considering this type of acquisition, do not hesitate to seek support from real estate professionals.